FREE Consultation

We know from experience that Defence Teams are sometimes left struggling with the sheer volume and technical intensity of evidence in complex cases and in particular, where the Crown seek to rely on complex expert evidence.

Our Experts are always happy to discuss your case and provide advice and guidance on the most appropriate way forward. Depending on the complexity of the case, we often hold case conferences at our high-tech labs where Solicitors and Counsel can meet their expert in advance of the trial, discuss strategy and review the scientific process themselves.

This ultimately allows for a better understanding of the evidence and helps them to lead the evidence with more confidence.

To enquire about a FREE consultation please call us or fill in your details below.

Consultation Form

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The Forensic Science Bureau:
Chadwick House
Birchwood Science Park
CheshireWA3 6AE.

Telephone number: 0845 123 6042.